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WARE Martin
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1927 - 2010
Contemporary Art

Born in Berlin. Lives and works in Hamburg and for part of the year in France. Painter, sculptor and lithographer. His early work was in an "abstract figurative" style, but in the sixties he adopted a more symbolist, even surrealist style. He painted and printed many images taken from the fine photographs by his wife, Karin Szekessy Many major exhibitions world wide and winner of many International prizes, particularly for his colour lithograph.

1927 Born Berlin
1945 Served in German Army
1947-51 Studied at Landeskunstschule, Hamburg (with Willi Titze, Willem Grimm)
1960-63 Lived and worked in Paris, produced numerous lithographs
1963-67 Professor, Hochschule fur Bildende Kunste, Hamburg
1971 Married Karin Székessy.

Solo Exhibitions
1949 Overbeck-Gesellschaft, Lubeck, West Germany
1955 Hamburger Kunstlerclub Die Insel, Hamburg
Kushiro City Art Gallery, Hokkaido
1958 Galerie Nebelung, Dusseldorf
Orangerie, Eutin, West Germany
1960 Dragonerstall, Hamburg
1962 Galerie Brusberg, Hannover
Galerie Diogenes, Berlin
Galerie Brockstedt, Hamburg
1963 Galerie Sydow, Frankfurt
Galerie Niedlich, Stuttgart
Print Club, Philadelphia
San Francisco Museum of Art, California
Galerie Rothe, Heidelberg, West Germany
Galerie Niepel, Dusseldorf
Museum of Art, Miami, Florida
Eric Locke Gallery, San Francisco
1964 Galerie van de Loo, Munich
Galerie Brechbuhl, Grenchen, Switzerland
1965 Galerie Arco, Rome
Musee des Beaux-Arts, Mons, Belgium
Galerie Ernst Hauswedell, Baden-Baden, West Germany
Galerie Neipel, Dusseldorf
Pfalzgalerie, Kaiserslautern, West Germany
Galerie Wilbrand, Munster, West Germany
1966 Kubus-Austellung, Hannover
Europa Center, Berlin
Kunstverein, Dusseldorf
Stadtische Galerie, Bochum, West Germany
Galerie Brusberg, Hannover
Kunsthalle, Mannheim, West Germany
1967 Overbeck-Gesellschaft, Lubeck, West Germany
Galerie Dierks, Aarhus, Denmark
Galerie Wolfgang Ketterer, Munich
Galerie Toni Gerber, Berne
Auckland City Art Gallery, New Zealand
1968 Redfern Gallery, London
Galerie Passepartout, Copenhagen
Galerie d'Eendt, Amsterdam
1969 Associated American Artists, New York
Institute of Arts, Minneapolis
Perls Gallery, Los Angeles
Phoenix Gallery, Berkeley, California
Kovler Gallery, Chicago
1970 Galerie Brusberg, Hannover
Staempfli Gallery, New York
Kunsthalle, Recklinghausen, West Germany
Kunsthalle, Gelsenkirchen, West Germany
Museum of Modern Art, Goteborg, Sweden
Galerie Leger, Copenhagen
1971 Galerie Aronowitsch, Stockholm
Galleriea Schwarz, Milan
Amos Andersonin Taidemuseo, Helsinki
Perls Gallery, Los Angeles
1972 Staempfli Gallery, New York
Galerie Berggruen, Paris
Galerie Andre Francois Petit, Paris
Galleria La Bussola, Turin
1973 Redfern Gallery, London
Galerie Levy, Hamburg
Baukunst, Cologne
1974 Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo
Art Contacts, Paris
Kunsthalle, Kiel, West Germany
1975 Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg, West Germany
Kunstverein, Augsburg, West Germany
Galerie Cour, Saint-Pierre, Geneva
Galerie Orangerie, Cologne
1976 Veranneman, Kruishoutem, Belgium
Galerie Octave Negru, Paris
Galerie Uddenberg, Goteborg, Sweden
Galerie Berggruen, Paris
1977 Redfern Gallery, London
1979 Galerie Negru, Paris
1980 Redfern Gallery, London
Seibu Museum, Tokyo
Kunsthalle, Kiel
1983 Fondation Veranneman, Gent, Belgium
1985 Le Bateau Lavoir, Paris
Galerie Sonet, Stockholm
1987 Redfern Gallery, London
Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum, Schleswig: A retrospective exhibition to celebrate his 60th birthday
1988 Redfern Gallery at 'Works on Paper' 7th Regiment Armory, Park Avenue New York, USA
'New Lithographs 1988'
1990 Galerie Trigano, Paris (FIAC)
1991 Redfern Gallery, London 'New Paintings, Sculpture, Pastels & Prints' June-July
1992 Retrospective exhibition of lithographs - touring to museums in North Germany and Scandinavia until 1994
1993 Le Cadre Gallery, Hong Kong
SAGA, Paris
1994 Gerhard Wurzer Gallery, Houston - lithographs
1995 Major retrospective exhibition - touring to four museums in Japan
Mitaka City Art Gallery, Tokyo
Navio Hankyu Museum, Osaka
Gifu Prefectural Museum of Art, Gifu
Galerie Trigano, Paris
1996 Redfern Gallery, London

Group Exhibitions
1955 'Farbige Grafik', Kestner Gesellschaft, Hannover
1956 'Fruhjahrsausstellung', Kunstverein, Hannover
1957 'Kongress fur die Freiheit der Kultur', Hamburg
1960 'Kunstpreis der Jugend', Mannheim (and Stuttgart)
1961 'Kunst International', Galerie Brusberg, Hannover
1962 'Sixteen German Artists', Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington DC
1963 'Grafik 63', Albertina, Vienna
1964 'Documenta 3', Kassel, West Germany
1965 'Deutsche Malerei', Auckland City Art Gallery, New Zealand
1966 'Phantastische Figuration', Haus am Waldsee, Berlin
1967 'Premio Marzotto', Milan (and Prague and Brussels)
'Six Peintres Allemands', Galerie Claude Bernard, Paris
1968 'Europaische Druckgraphik der Gegenwart', Gemeente Museum, The Hague
1969 '3rd International Invitational Print Show', Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti
1970 'Malerei nach Fotografie', Stadtmuseum, Munich
1972 'After Surrealism: Metaphors and Similes' Ringling, Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida
1976 'Les Espaces Insolites', Palais du Congres, Strasbourg, France
1977 Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels
1990 'The Lost Shoe' - Museum of Modern Art, Bonn

1951 Dankspende des Deutschen Volkes, Cultural Circle Bursary, Hamburg
1955 Stipendium des Kulturkreises
1960 Deutsche Kunstpreis der Jugend fur Grafik, Mannheim
1962 M S Collins Prize, Philadelphia
1964 Japan Cultural Forum Award, Tokyo
1967 Premio Marzotto Painting Prize, Milan
1970 Gold Medal, Florence
1978 Gold Medal, Print Biennale, Listowell, Ireland
1984 Prizes at Print Biennales in Taiwan and Bulgaria
1986 Prize, Graphic Art Museum, Kamakura, Tokyo
Prize for art, Schleswig-Holstein

British Museum, LondonBritish Museum, London
Museum of Modern Art, New York
Kunsthalle, Kiel
Museum of Modern Art, Philadelphia
Kunsthalle, Hamburg
Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg
Museum Ludwig, Koln
Victoria & Albert Museum, London
Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris
Kunstmuseum, Mannheim
Landesmuseum, Hannover
Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart
Staatsgalerie fur Moderne Kunst, Munchen
Pfalzgalerie, Kaiserslautern
Hirshhorn Museum, Washington
Musee des Beaux-Arts, Brussels
Fondation Verannemann, Belgium
Museum Atheneum, Helsinki
Museum Boysmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam ...

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